dinsdag 19 augustus 2014

Verbetering als antwoord?

"Het afgelopen jaar heeft het begrip ‘verbetercultuur’ een stevige opmars gemaakt in het Nederlandse onderwijs. De aandacht voor dit begrip is ten dele het resultaat van de werkwijze van Stichting Leerkracht, waarbij lerarenteams op school ‘elke dag samen een beetje beter’ onderwijs trachten te realiseren."

zondag 17 augustus 2014

How To Make Better Teachers

"Want to create better teachers? I know how. One word. Blogging.
Now before you roll your eyes or accuse me of oversimplifying the very complex issue of teacher evaluation and monitoring, hear me out."

donderdag 14 augustus 2014

Seven things teachers are sick of hearing from school reformers

"It’s past time for teachers to stand up for themselves and their profession. In that spirit, here’s a list of things reformers should quit saying to teachers because they are wrong-headed. This list is not exhaustive, but it is a start."

maandag 4 augustus 2014

A New Kind of Problem: The Common Core Math Standards

"Unfortunately, the emails and newspaper articles I've been seeing may herald a new era where more and more students are given a flimsy make-believe version of mathematics, without the ability to solve actual math problems. After all, where the Common Core goes, textbook publishers are probably not too far behind."