zondag 12 april 2015

Explicit Direct Instruction

“Iets moeilijks moet kunnen, dat is bovendien pas echt leuk. Dus in plaats van op onze knieĆ«n te gaan voor kinderen om ze het naar de zin te maken, moeten wij ze stimuleren om op hun tenen te gaan staan. Dan kunnen ze pas over de schutting kijken.”

donderdag 9 april 2015

Teachers should teach and students should listen

"Clearly, there are instances where we might choose to use varied approaches to learning for a wide variety of reasons. I am all in favour of balance. Sometimes, we may be seeking to build motivation. At other times, we may simply wish to mix things up a bit."

woensdag 8 april 2015

Sir Ken Robinson: ‘Creative’ with the truth?

"So often in education, shallow unsubstantiated TED talks replace the real work of researchers and those who take a more rigorous view of evidence. Sir Ken Robinson, is the prime example of this romantic theorising, Sugata Mitra the second. Darlings of the conference circuit, they make millions from talks but do untold damage when it comes to the real word and the education of our children."